EAFARMS - Sustainable Organic Natural
Food production along with
objectives to protect the environment, eco-justice.
human health and communities.At EA FARMS we
understand that - "when the limit exceeds even Ambrosia
(Amurtham) is poisonous" as our traditional old saying.
We use farmyard manure (derived from
living organisms such as cows, wastes from produce grown
at EA FARMS and without the use of artificial
Every input into the
farm is from natural materials (following Nature and
Eco-justice). We work along with Nature. Building a
niche for faunas of area.
We consider our produce
equivalent to SONA (GOLD) because of the hard work
efforts we put in to produce the Best Produce.
We follow farming principles and practices which
increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves
watersheds, and enhances the ecosystem. In our farm
we increase soil carbon stocks.
EA Farms is located near Pollachi in Coimbatore
district, Tamilnadu, India. EA Farms is a Sustainable
Organic Natural Agricultural Land Development Farm. We
are involved in Coconut, Dairy, Mulberry, Groundnut,
Pulses, Greens and other agricultural produce and
products. Our aim and objective is to provide
uncontaminated agricultural products without disturbing
the environment. We are into Zero budget, permaculture
and multiple activity agriculture. At EA Farms, we
efficiently use water and other natural resources for
producing agricultural products. We have vast experience
and techniques in Environmental Sciences, Animal
Sciences, Nutrition and Dietetics and Information
Technology, which we use to improve EA Farms. We are open
to discussions, collaborations and research activities
that are related to Environment, Agriculture and
Our Coconut trees have been
planted several years ago. We also have planted
new trees at EA Farms. Each and every part of
coconut tree is very useful. Tender Coconuts,
Oil rich coconuts, Coconut shells are very
useful in various aspects. Tender coconuts are
efficient coolers of human body without any kind
of added chemicals. Coconut oils are known for
its fungicidal properties. Coco fibers can be
used in clothing, biodegradable and has various
environmental usages such as erosion control,
oil cleanup. Cocopeat is very useful as a
growing media. Activated carbon from coconut
shells is best for water filters. Biochar from
coconut shells is another wonder growth media.
Such useful coconut trees are grown in our farms
without any chemicals makes them more wonderful
product. For coconut related products, Contact us.
Coconut | Oil | Tender | Caprilic | Biochar |
Activated Charcoal | Cocopeat | Saplings
Milk contains various components such as
Carbohydrates, Fat, Protein and vitamins needed for growth.
Several commercial and useful products can be produced from
milk. Butter, Buttermilk Cheese, Whey, Cream and many other
products can be produced from milk. Milk is a major
contributor towards nutrition and food. Less fat milk is
always better and has ingredients that are helpful for best
night sleep. Chemicals, hormones, adultery makes milk
very harmful. We clearly know that - what you feed the cattle
comes in the milk. So we grow cattle food without applying any
chemical and feed our cattle throughout the year.
At EA Farms we use cow dung as our farm spread manure.
Our lands are fertilized with farm manure. We produce
jeeva mirtham from them and spread them in our fields.
For our pure milk and products, Contact us.
Dairy | Milk | Butter | Cream | Feed |
Functional Foods | Farmyard Manure | Panchakavya
At EA Farms we grow varieties of plants, crops and trees.
Groundnut (Peanut), Maize (Corn), Black gram, cowpeas,
and sorghum are rotated based on the requirements. Plants
produce food, oxygen and are the important source of food
and energy for animals and humans. Not only grains, greens,
fruits, flowers and vegetables are from plants, other useful
products such as fibers, wood and fossil fuels are also from
plants. Plants are important to maintain people's lives.
Several other plants also are available at EA Farms.
Papaya, curry leaves, several greens including Agathi are
planted at our farms. We grow all our plants organically
without any input of chemicals. Plants also purify the
environment through absorption. We are turning our farm
into integrated, permaculture and zero budget farm. We prepare
our own natural fertilizer for the growth of the plants.
We also have fruiting plants such as pomegranate and mango.
We grow jasmine and it has wide variety of uses.
We understand that providing healthy food is the best thing
and we strictly follow that in growing our crops and plants.
We also concentrate on growing medicinal plants.
For knowing more about our EAFARMS plants contact us
Plants | Crops | Grains | Papaya | Mulberry | Jasmine | Greens | Fruits | Flowers
At EA Farms we have planted hundreds of trees.
Coconut, Mango, Teak, Neem and several medicinal
trees are part of EA Farms. Within few years we
envision this area to be a forest in an Agricultural farm.
We love trees and forests and hence we were inclined towards
creating the forest area. Forest area brings in lots of birds
to our farm. At EA Farms we know that Agroforestry is very
important because of deforestation happening all over.
So we have been planting trees that would function better
and be sustainable over years. It also helps integrated farming,
nutrient cycling, water retention, soil enrichment, benefiting
animals and crops. As we move on, we will improve agroforestry
management by planting more trees to enhance the species diversity.
Trees are important part of the hydrological cycle and healthy environment.
Hence in this era of real estate boom we took it to sustainable agriculture
along with agroforestry to prove the importance of the trees.We want to
further investigate on efficient trees, useful trees, nutrient cycling,
best trees for integrated farming, tree species diversity,and agroforestry management
along with sustainable agriculture. If you need information on EA Farms
AgroForestry -contact us
Neem | Teak | Guava | Jackfruit | Papaya | Fig | Mango | Nutmeg | Sapodilla
More Trees
At EA Farms we grow grains organically.
No chemicals are added during the growth.
Part of these organically grown grains is
used as feed for the cattle. We know the
importance of feeding the cattle with good feed.
New research studies indicate that there are
several benefits of consuming grains. Eating grains provides health benefits.
Grains provide many nutrients that are vital for the health and maintenance of human bodies.Grains are
packed with fibers (may reduce risk of diseases),
important minerals (iron, mangnesium, selenium from grains are important in many ways),
vitamins, phytochemicals and antioxidants. When grains are grown without
the chemicals these benefits increase significantly.
For more information about our grains, contact us.
Sorghum | Millets | Maize (Corn) | Blackgram | Horsegram
Greens are very important for maintaining good health.
Greens contain vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants.
Some greens also contain calcium, potassium and beta-carotene,
along with other beneficial ingredients. When it is grown in a
chemical free environment, its benefits increase by several folds.
They are important for the production of Nitrous Oxide in the body.
We grow sevaral grains including Moringa leaves, Pannai Keerai (Farm Lettuce),
Agathi Keerai (Sesbania grandiflora - August trees) which
has several health benefits along with other important greens.
They are rich in calcium, iron and vitamins. They have been
used for medicinal purposes from ancient times.
For more information on our greens contact us.
Secure access from anywhere in the world via internet
Mango ( Mangifera indica) contains several nutrients
along with fibers, vitamins, minerals and essential
phytochemicals for good health. Mangoes are packed
with high vitamin A. Mangoes contain significant
essential polyphenols that fight against anti-health
elements. Mangoes provide strong health benefits.
Our mango trees are older and produce best and
sweeter mangoes. We grow them without applying
any chemicals. They also act as a habitat for green
parrots. We have kept bee boxes under the mango trees.
Mango trees also provide aesthetic look at EA Farms.
For more information about mango trees and mangoes, contact us.
Mangoes | Different Varieties | MangoPulp | Mango for Pickels
Groundnuts (Peanuts - Arachis hypogaea) are packed
with important nutrients and minerals. They contain
proteins, vitamins, tryptophan, oleic acid, resveratol,
antioxidants and Phyto-elements. Groundnuts contain niacin
which is good for brain. Peanut is important ingredient
in paste called plumpy nut which has been used to treat
and eradicate malnutrition. They are good for children
since they contain an essential nutrient vitamin E.
Most of the farms in Pollachi area have been known for
their Groundnut cultivation over the years. EA Farms -
Groundnuts are grown without any chemicals and have
very good taste. For more about groundnuts, contact us.
SGroundnut (Peanut) | Groundnut oil | Cattle Feed
One of our initial projects at EA Farms was apiary.
We choose proper environment in the farm to place the bee boxes.
Bees are part of agriculture and gives benefit
through pollination. Because of extensively used
human made chemicals, population is reducing at
an alarming rate all over the globe. It surely
will have an effect on food production. We built
our own apiary boxes and grew bees. We benefited
from the bee activity in our farm. However we did not restrict
queen bees and soon they were moving out freely
and did not want to be in a constrained box. We
still see extensive bee activity in the farm,
but they only stay in few of our boxes. Even though
we do not benefit from commercial level of honey production,
we are sure that we are benefiting from the other activities of the bees.
We also work with horticulture department and help in distrurbuting
bee boxes to our area farmers. We constantly planning and improving on Apiary
to make it a commercial success. We take proper precautions while working with bees.
For our experience in apiary please contact us.
Apiary | Horticulture Department | Honey | Pollination
Cattle: Cattle are very important part of the EA Farms.
They provide the necessary manure for the EA Farms.
We add other ingredients to the manure and spread it
all along the EA Farms. We also have good production of milk.
We feed these cows with our own farm grown crops without
any input human made chemicals. These cattle provide us
many important things that are necessary for integrated
natural agricultural methods at EA Farms.
Goats: Goats are important part of integrated agriculture systems.
They provide milk, manure, and fiber, meat and hide.
At Ea farms we rear goat for manure purposes and then sell
them to other farmers. We planning to rear goat in traditional
ways and use them to feed on weed. They are used for several
ways that benefits the farm in natural way.
Chickens: At EA Farms we want to use chickens as part of our integrated farming.
Chickens can be reared as a source of food, for both their meat and their eggs;
however we want to raise them for the manure and their involvement in
control of unwanted pests and flies. In future we want to
increase the varieties of animals that are grown at EA Farms
which will support our Sustainable Organic Natural Agricultural methods.
We will venture in rearing dogs and birds.
Cattle | Goats | Chickens | Dogs
Water is very important resource and day by day lots of water resources are depleted.
If water management is not properly done, it will affect individuals, countries
and even the whole Globe. Water is important for sustaining life and for plants
they are the main ingredient for the growth. At EA Farms we are involved in
water conservation and on constant study to use water efficiently. We have
efficiently utilized swale in our farm to replenish the ground water as it the
main source of regular water other than the rain water. We have implemented
drip irrigation all along the farm to conserve water.
For more information of water conservation, utilization, swale creation,
ground water replenishment and treatment contact us.
Conservation | Swale | Ground water Replinshing | Drip Irrigation | Water Treatment | Innovative Techniques
At Surya Trailers, Vijay Trailers and farm equipments (sister concern of EA Farms),
We design and develop agricultural and farm equipments.
We build any kind of equipment used on a farm to help farming.
We strive to give the best quality and precision agricultural equipments.
We design and build equipments suited for your farm.
We do any type of Lathe, Iron and Steel works related to agricultural tools.
We build custom tractor trailers, tankers,
bee stands and drums. Day by day farmers are finding hard to find laborers and
have to automate farming using agricultural tools and equipments.
For best agricultural tools and equipments calls us at any of these numbers:
93603 58106, 99423 96143, 95855 15269 to get further details - contact us.
Tractor Trailers | Tankers | Drums | Bee Stands | Tillers | Agricultural Tools
At EA Farms we believe in Sustainable Organic Natural Agriculture.
We clearly understand that plants grown using natural manure
for growth are better than grown using human made chemicals.
Most of the plants are packed with essential phyto elements,
minerals, vitamins, nutrients and health inducing compounds,
phytochemicals and health ingredients that fight against
dreadful diseases. We grow diversified varieties of trees and plants
which are benefials for humans and environment. At EA Farms we
want to tap into such essential phyto-ingredients by means of
pure phyto extractions. There are beneficial compounds such
as caprylic acid from coconut and vegan omega 3-fatty acid
from Portulaca oleracea. We want to extract such types of
essential oils, powders (Moringa, Neem), materials from the plants and trees grown at EA Farms.
More info about our phyto extractions, contact us.
Samples easiliy trackable with barcode and QR Codes
At EA Farms, we want to collaborate with scientist
to conduct research that will be useful for human kind.
We are already into real time environmental research and
find out which is good agricultural practice suitable
for our environment. We are already involved in scientific
research at EnviroApps Inc. We welcome scientist to collaborate
with us and conduct useful experiments at EA Farms.
We are open to solar, water, air, resources, agricultural
and environmental research at our farms. At EnviroApps Inc
we have been involved in working with scientists from
United States, India and other countries. We at EnviroApps
have lots of experience in Environmental Sciences Research.
We want to take the research into real world implementation
and we are doing so. Environmental Sciences, phyto extraction and remediation,
Integrated farming, zero budget farming, permaculture, Innovative
ideas in agriculture, Plants sciences, Sustainable Agricultural, Microbiology,
and Natural resources are some of the areas we are interested.
If your scientific team want to implement your findings as a pilot study
in a real farm environment, contact us.
Plant and Soil | Environmental | Agriculture | Regnerative | Phyto Extraction | Integrated | Zero Budget |Layered | Permaculture
At EAFARMS, we practice artificial chemical free farming. We use farm manure, natural defenses in our agriculture practices. Our aim is to produce artificial chemical free produce.
EAFARMS is an Organic Certified farm.
Get In Touch
To understand how to practice Sustainable Organic Natural Agriculture - Renegerative Farming,
please contact us:
127/2E2 Servaikaranpalayam
Pollachi Taluk, Coimbatore
TamilNadu, India
95855 15269
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